Wednesday, April 3, 2013

our easter hut trip

we spent our easter weekend here, with wonderful friends,

looking at this.

we skied in 2 1/2 miles, about a 1,000 foot elevation gain.

sometimes the girls looked like this...

... and sometimes like this.

on sunday morning we did an easter egg hunt.

(check out that wood stove!)

the girls

it was a big hit.

all the kids got along great.

 so did the kids and the parents.

hide and seek with avalanche beacons!

the dads

the moms

we had a delicious easter feast.

it was an altogether fabulous time.

and when we got home, we got new baby chicks!
2 barred rocks, 2 americanas, 1 buff orphington, and 1 brown legged.  they are being called chloe & zoe, winnie, timber, sunshine, and walnut.

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